Why You Can’t Break your 1-3 Month Weight Loss Cycle

I know the title of this article might seem harsh but it’s the ugly truth and the reason why you might be reading this article.

Have you ever wondered WHY exactly you’re so GUNG HO about your new fitness and/or nutrition routine for the first one to three Months or so then all the sudden fall off the wagon and you’re back to square one? I hear it all the time, “I’ve started my new diet for about 2 Months and I’m down 30lbs”. A few weeks down the line that same person says “Yeah, I stopped doing that routine and have gained the weight back plus more, I just can’t seem to get it right.”

Having a background and degree in Public Health has allowed me to understand the very reason for this vicious cycle that can seem so disheartening that it deters you from even trying in the first place. You think, “Why try again if I’m just going to fail again?” Public Health as a whole is also known as preventative health care but goes deeper into understanding human behavior and how learned behaviors become second nature. Fortunately, these learned behaviors can also be changed in order to create a more healthy, proactive standard of life for optimal health and longevity.

Let me quickly explain the behavioral health theory; more specifically, the behavioral stages of change. They are broken down into 6 stages as follows. Again, this is a very quick recap to learn more go to:

Stage 1: Precontemplation- You’re completely unaware that your behavior is detrimental to your health and you continue your natural learned behaviors just as they are.

Stage 2: Contemplation- You recognize that your behavior is not conducive to a healthy life and are ready to take action within the next 30 days and are already start making steps towards making that change. I.e. Ridding your pantry of highly processed foods and/or signing up for a workout routine.

Stage 3: Action- You have entered your new fitness and/or nutrition plan and have changed your behavior and intend on continuing this learned behavior. NOTE: This stage lasts from 1-6 Months total Note: This is the biggest time to relapse into previous unhealthy behaviors.

Stage 4: Maintenance- You have continued this behavior change for more than 6 months but there is still possibility for relapse into previous stages, yet not as significant.

Stage 5: Termination- You have no desire to return to previous behavior as this new behavior is now your norm and part of your second nature.

Alright, so now that we have that cleared up, back to the daunting question “WHY CAN’T I KEEP THE WEIGHT OFF?”

I’m going to be completely honest here sister, it’s because you have not even advanced from the Contemplation/Action stage to continue this new habit! Sounds harsh right? But like I said, it’s the ugly truth and why you keep reverting back to your old habits that are so detrimental to your optimal health.

Now I’m not saying that ANYONE, including myself, is by any means perfect but I can tell you right now that your 21 day detox or 30 day challenge is not going to have any kind of lasting results. Will they work in short term? Yes, most likely. But will they work long term? Probably not.

Now for the light at the end of the tunnel, THANK GOD! I’m going to give you specific tools and questions to ask yourself before you begin your next lifestyle makeover endeavor so you can give yourself a fair, fighting chance to make this new habit part of your everyday lifestyle.

ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS before beginning ANY new fitness and/or nutrition routine, I urge you not to buy on impulse or because “I’m feeling super motivated right now and this girl on Facebook is running a discount on her weight loss supplements!”. 


  1. Is my new habit sustainable? I.e. will this 21 Keto diet challenge be something I can do for the rest of my life? Will I be able to continue this 30 day challenge with just shakes and broths after the 30 days? Will I be able to continue this gym membership after the 30 day trial with a free Trainer is up?
  2. Where is my accountability? If you know you are a person who loses motivation after a certain amount of days/months ASK FOR HELP. Preferably from a professional who is trained to do this. We all love a good gym buddy but how many times has she had to bail due to work, lack of motivation herself, etc?
  3. Am I putting the right actions into place? You have your new routine set and ready to go but have you established your exact game plan and set up your goals? Are you planning and prepping correctly each week to make sure you maintain these daily habits?
  4. Are you doing your research? This ties into question #1 but I want you to really know what you’re getting yourself into. Make sure you do your research and again, ask the professionals, even your doctor what he/she recommends for you to reach your sustained habit changes and goals. Note: Your Doctor will NOT recommend detoxes, fad diets, and supplements. He/she will ALWAYS recommend you stick to a regular fitness and well balanced nutritional regimen.


This is not to scare you from ever trying a health routine again. It’s to give you scientifically backed insight as to how and why you need to be so proactive in your FIGHT for optimal health. I know it won’t always be easy and there will be set backs, and like I said before, NO ONE IS PERFECT. That’s why there are trained professionals out there to help you get EXACTLY where you want to be. Where you’re putting your very best self forward each day, creating a life that you’re proud of, and most of all HAPPY about.

Time to boast, I differ from other Trainers and Coaches in that I have a Bachelor’s degree from University of Maryland in the Public Health. This gives me the advantage of recognizing natural human behavior and ways to navigate barriers specific to the individual who is FIGHTING to make her new life one which she can be her most confident, healthy, happy, and vibrant self. This is another reason I do NOT do 21 day challenges, my programs start from 3 Months and go to 6 Months (resonates with the behavioral change theory, right?)

As always please feel free to ask me ANY questions, I answer all emails and DMs and always have your best interest at heart. Perhaps you’re ready to make this lifestyle change and are ready to let me be your Trainer and accountability coach throughout your specific journey of change. CLICK HERE to apply for your transformation today!


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