Change Your Self Talk- Change Your Mindset

Uncategorized May 09, 2019

I know what you’re thinking “Okay, boring motivational speaker at our monthly business meeting talking about morale, what inspirational quote are you going to leave us with today?”

 First of all, HEYYYY, that speaker is trying really hard to get you all to listen and no one’s paying attention. Second of all, I’m talking about really thinking hard about HOW you talk to yourself day in-day out (because you know we all do it). 

 Take a moment to think right now, what did you say to yourself in the mirror this morning when you first got up? Was it something like “If I could just shed this extra weight then I could finally wear that dress I’ve been eyeing up”. Or, “Ughhh, I HAVE to do my workout later”. “Why am I so fat?” Was it something along those lines or even worse?

 Well JEEEEEZ woman, no wonder it’s hard for you to stick to a workout routine or get so frustrated when you step on the scale! (By the way, I hate scales with a passion). 

 Now let me ask you this; would your best friend, family member, or partner EVERalk to you like this? If they do, you better get new friends ASAP! My point being, is that if the people closest to you don’t talk to you like this, then why are you talking to yourself this way?

 On your friend’s bad day aren’t you the one there lifting them up and telling them just how amazing they are!? Aren’t they the ones to do that to you? I’m not saying you’re never going to have a bad day again but when those urges of negative self talk come rising to the surface, let those words come out in a different light. 

 First thing in the morning, take a few DEEP breaths. When you look in the mirror instead of saying “I HAVE to workout today”, say “I GET to workout today and have some ME time. “I KNOW that by sticking to my routine I’m GOING to wear that dress and rock the hell out of it!” “I am a BADASS and I’m ready to take on the day!” Change those negative words in your self talk to positive words/affirmations and you’ll see a change in the way you think about yourself and your daily routine!

Seriously, try it for a week straight and tell me you don’t feel a difference. A difference in the way you carry yourself, a difference in your energy, your confidence, and maybe even the way you talk to other people. In the end, YOU are your biggest critic and YOU are your best friend. So hey, why don’t you look out for yourself as you would your own best friend!?


**Message me to schedule your FREE Coaching session so we can shift your Self Talk and discuss ways to get you where you need to be! 


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