Frustrated with the Number on the Scale? Read This Now!

Uncategorized May 28, 2019

 You step on the scale each morning yet the scale doesn’t reflect all the hard work you’ve been doing. All the hard/sweaty workouts, all the clean eating, all the sleep....WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!? I’m here to tell you...YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!!

You, my friend, are suffering from what I call “Being a Slave to the Scale”. It’s a terrible condition but I am here to break this horrible habit and tell you that all your hard work IS paying off! 

Did you know that even though 1 pound of muscle is equivalent to 1 pound of fat, they look COMPLETELY different. Here is a visual; one pound of fat looks like a whole watermelon and a pound of muscle looks like a small cantaloupe. Do you see it now? Again, even though they way the exact same, they look completely different. 

This is called body composition and it encompasses all muscle, fat, water, and bone mass in the body. Unfortunately the scale weighs all of these masses rather than just fat. Instead of being a slave to the scale you can do a few things to ACCURATELY track your progress:


2) Take monthly progress pictures 

3) Take monthly measurements in the same locations each time

These are tools that are actually helpful and will give you a true view on how your body is changing, not just by a number on the scale. 

One other thing, have you tracked your progress MENTALLY?? While you’re breaking the habit of the scale try these other ways to tune into your body and truly track your progress by asking yourself these things:

  1. How are your energy levels?
  2. Have your sugar cravings decreased?
  3. If you have anxiety, how has your healthy habits changed this? 
  4. Are you more confident in yourself? 

Think about all of these factors next time you think you need to step on the scale to prove your transformation. Remember, it’s not just the physical transformation, it’s the mental transformation and all about the process of becoming the most badass, empowered, fiercest version of yourself! Message me for more information and so I can tell you that your healthy habits and life long transformation will never be measured by a number on the scale...because you’re better than that my friend!


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