Introducing my NO Diet Meal Plan

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2019

Yes, you heard that right.


How in the world can you make a no diet meal plan? Simple, stop restricting yourself to the point of insanity. Let’s stop counting, weighing, and tracking.


To begin, let’s start with a few questions. Think back to your last diet. Are you still doing it now? How long did you do it for? How did you feel in terms of fullness, mental sanity, and physical state? When I ask these same questions to clients who want to join my program I usually get A LOT of the same answers, here are a few:

-“Yeah I did that diet for about 2 weeks before I gave up because it was just too hard to keep up with the counting then I gained all the weight back PLUS more”. 

- “Well it worked while I did it, but the headaches were crazy! It’s like I was missing something”.

“I actually gained weight because I had to reach a certain amount of points each day”.


Well sheesh my friends, no wonder it’s so hard to stick with a meal plan! The word “diet” has been completely taken out of context, almost to the point of no return. When you think of the word “diet”, what comes to mind? To me I think, of all the current diet fads out there and the restrictions that come with them. BUT, the word diet comes from the Greek Origin DIATA, meaning, “way of life”. Can we all pause and take a moment to really wrap our heads around that one. I repeat “WAY OF LIFE”... nowhere in that quick description do we see restrictions, 10 day detox, etc, etc. To me, it means how we choose to eat day in-day out. Not simply a 2 week diet plan. 


Now putting on my Public Health hat; we need to focus on changing our lifestyle habits to increase optimal health, the ones we do habitually without even thinking. The habits that when become our daily routine, create lasting effects, and become involuntarily. When you truly are aware of your body and connect the mind TO the body, IT WILL TELL YOU what you need and when you need it. 


For instance; my clients say, “Well at 10am I’m already hungry again after breakfast but I know I shouldn’t eat”. Wait, what!? Yes, you should eat! Eat a little something to curb that feeling of hunger because if you don’t you lead to possible binge eating your next meal or totally throwing your metabolism out of whack leading to retention of weight. 


Now, how does this all come together? Well, let me break it down for you because I know it’s a lot to take in, especially after we’re constantly bombarded with scientifically backed weight loss systems *insert infomercial with washboard abs couple smiling holding a shake* 

I call it eating to FUEL, not to FOOL. So yes, as I do say it’s a “No Diet Meal Plan” meaning eating Whole Foods that are less processed with preservatives, refined sugar, and processed carbohydrates. Examples are sodas, diet shakes, juices, boxed pastas, bleached rice, and bleached breads. This means increasing those COLORFUL/NUTRIENT packed foods; veggies, fruits, nuts/seeds, lean proteins. *Rule of thumb: foods that don’t come in a box.


The meal plan: I recommend eating first thing when you get up in the morning to wake up your metabolism and get it ready for the busy day ahead of you, I usually grab fruit and an egg. Come that mid morning hunger ache, eat some chopped veggies or grab a handful of nuts. For lunch make a whole vibrantly colored salad which is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Eat a small snack AGAIN in the afternoon before dinner, and lastly make sure dinner is just as colorful as the rest of your eats throughout the day. Don’t forget to drink that hydrating water throughout the day (I suggest adding lemon for proper digestion and natural detox of the body). 


Now this might seem like yet another diet to you but on the contrary, it’s A WAY OF LIFE that will bring you natural weight loss, vibrant skin and hair, decrease inflammation, and a whole lot of happiness! *Did you know the Gut is connected to the Brain? It’s called the Gut Brain Axis and what you eat, reflects your mental state, pretty cool huh!? 


One more thing, I’m not saying you can NEVER eat chocolate, pizza, or ice cream again. I mean, that’s just not going to happen sister, I LOVE my chocolate. In life it’s all about balance; family, work, food, you name it. I like to stick with the 80/20 stance. For me, that’s making those healthier choices throughout the week then allowing myself a little treat here and there, eating it and knowing there’s nothing WRONG or BAD about it. BALANCE is the key word here and BALANCE is what’s going to create long, lasting, healthy benefits that will increase your happiness and health. 


Great, now that we have that sorted out, CLICK HERE to book your FREE 30 minute coaching/consultation session to discuss your fitness and nutrition needs!


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