Is Your Mindset Sabotaging Your Health?

Uncategorized Oct 24, 2019

 This blog might be a bit “out there” for some but it’s worth the read as studies are continuing to surface about the power of your own thoughts aligning or disaligning with your current physical state of health. 


To keep it simple think of this as “Think yourself healthy”. This statement is very broad but bear with me here as I break it down. I’m going to break this down into common mindset categories you may say to yourself or hear others say. 


  1. What’s the Point? I know for a fact you’ve heard someone say this or even said this to yourself before starting a workout program, starting a new eating habit, and/or starting a work fitness challenge. Although this thought may seem harmless the more you think this and believe this statement, the further away you will be from achieving your goals. If you think “What’s the point?”, you’re tricking your mind into thinking your body will never become fit, healthy, etc. Your mind will physically stop your body from even beginning or sticking with a certain lifestyle because you have put a limit in your mind as to where you health levels can be. Instead, believe with your whole heart that each and every single, small health conscious decision you make propels you closer and closer to those goals simply by changing your mindset to match the physical state of health that you desire.


2) Clutching onto previous diagnosis or medications: I am NOT telling you to disregard doctors opinions because hey, they’re the actual doctors here. But I’ve heard countless times clients saying “Well I could never do that because my XYZ diagnosis would never allow me to lose weight”. It is unfortunate that there are people who use their diagnosis or a medication as some kind of outside influence as to not allowing themselves to align their mindset to their physical health. Once you truly believe that you CAN and WILL lose weight even with diagnosis, your results are limitless. Example, I once had a client who said she went to the doctors and they told her that her cholesterol levels were so high that she needed to go on medicine ASAP. Instead of resulting right to medication she said asked them to give her 2 months to change her levels, when she came back if they were still the same THEN she would start the medication. Guess what, she had that exact POWERFUL mindset that she could lower her cholesterol levels and went out and began training with me, eating healthier, and trusting in HERSELF that her levels would change. Well guess what? When she want back in exactly a couple months her doctors were amazed with the decrease in her cholesterol levels. End of the story is that she didn't have to get on the medication and never stopped believing in herself to achieve her health goal. This is a perfect example of mindset and physical health alignment that is so powerful and so motivating. 


3) Never being enough: This is a tough one for ALL people. In terms of health though, I’m going to keep this simple and brief. This next scenario may reside with you. So you’ve been on your health kick for a few Months now and people are starting to notice. They tell you how great you look and the compliments are amazing. But there’s a small voice in your head that keeps saying “Yeah, but you can do better” or “Yeah, but you still don’t look like a swim wear model”. This mindset process is so destructive that it literally makes you believe that although you have lost the weight you still will never be “healthy enough” in your own eyes. This might lead to you stopping your healthy habits entirely or just going day to day with the same motions but feeling in a rut, perhaps reflecting in physical illness and/or mental illness...WHY? Because you believe you’re not good enough to be healthy so your body listens to that self destructive mindset and believes it to be true.


This blog article is not to make you think “So if I break my leg I can think it healed?” Ummm, no...if that happens no magical Guru can heal you except for the professionals. What I’m saying here is that your mindset needs to ALIGN with your desired physical health. Try this method to begin aligning your mindset with your optimal health: 

THINK about why it is you want to workout, eat healthy, be active... is it really because you want to look like a swim wear model? Or is it more deep rooted? Is it  because you want to be healthy enough to not feel tired at work, to run behind your kids, to feel good in a bathing suit, etc. You need to dig deeper to your WHY. I already know that over 90% of you are wanting to get heathy so you can FEEL a different way. So you need to put your mindset into a space that is already that happy, vibrant, high energy person. This takes endless practice; much like your workouts, eating habits, and sleeping pattern, but once you train your mind for optimal health, your physical health WILL match this alignment and you will be one unstoppable force of optimal health and happiness. 


Ready to tap into the limitless potential of your health once you change your mindset? Great, CLICK HERE to apply for my Online Personal Training services in which I teach busy business women like yourself HOW to change your mindset while balancing the stressors of work and home. 


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