Stop and Read This if You Want the TRUTH About Carbs! Friend or Foe?

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2019

The NUMBER 1 question I receive as a Personal Trainer regarding nutrition is “Are carbs bad for me?” First of all, I’d really like to take out the negativity with regarding food as good or bad. All food provides our body a source of energy and it is up to the person to moderate their portions, serving sizes, etc. Usually foods are put into the “bad” category when there is no portion control, leading to weight gain. I’ll be one of the realistic trainers to tell you that I LOVEEE my french fries and burger on the OCASSION, but not all the time. I digress, we’re here to finally give this taboo word “Carbohydrate” some well deserved justice.

Let’s start with the carbohydrate itself, what is it anyway? Carbohydrates are the sugars, fibers, and starches found in veggies, fruits, grains, and milk products. As you can see, carbohydrates are essentially found in all the foods we eat except for meat products. Now, carbohydrates are the body’s MAIN source of energy, so why do we have to diss it all the time? Where people get confused is the 2 types of carbohydrates; simple and complex. Simple carbs are the ones found in processed sugars, bleached grains (white bread), fruit juices, and even some whole fruits (i.e. blueberries). They are NOT all bad as these simple carbs provide almost immediate energy to the body. Complex carbs are found in whole plant foods and take longer for the body to break down providing a longer lasting source of energy. Where the line gets a bit fuzzy for carbohydrates is the AMOUNT you are eating compared to the amount of energy your body is expending. Make sense?

Low carb/no carb diets help you lose weight FAST but what happens when you reintroduce them into your diet? You put on the initial weight you lost PLUS more than when you started. Your body has not had that nutrient in so long so when you reintroduce it your body flips out because it doesn’t know what to do with it again and can lead to excess weight gain due to improper digestibility. Additionally, WHO (Worldwide Health Organization) says that within these past years of increased low carb diet trends, Americans are NOT getting near as much daily fiber as they need (as fiber derives from carbohydrates). Fiber plays a super important role in aiding with digestion, decreasing cholesterol levels, stabilize blood sugar levels, and aids with HEALTHY weight loss. The average human needs about 25-30 grams of fiber each day, WHO says the average human is getting LESS than half of that amount. This leads to question all of those low carb/no carb diet trends.

Now here’s what I have to say, since carbohydrates are the main source of energy found in our foods am I going to stop eating those super healthy/super nutritious foods just because they have carbohydrates in them? The answer is, NO! Yes, I do tell my clients to be more rigid with their bread, pasta, rice, and noodle intake but I DO tell them to fill up on cruciferious veggies and colorful fruits (which most contain significant amounts of carbs). Are these carbs bad? No way, the carbs found in those whole plants and whole grains are going to give you LASTING energy due to the slow digestion process of these carbs as well as the prominent amount of fiber in these foods; therefore, making you stay fuller longer.

Having said all of this, it’s your turn to finally decide wether the word “carbohydrate” is going to be your mortal enemy or if it’s going to be your trusty steed leading you through the path of healthy living. We all have our opinions but the facts will always remain, it’s your choice to dicipher what is true and what is false. PLEASE feel free to comment, ask me questions, grab my meal plan, I’m here as a health resource for YOU!


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