Personal Favorites: My Top 5 Pieces of at Home Workout Equipment

I don't just workout from home because I'm a busy gal on-the-go, I workout from home because I absolutely LOVE going to my little "in home gym" aka my sanctuary where I have all my favorite pieces of equipment. I don't know about you, but something about other people touching and sharing pieces of equipment gives me the heebie jeebies. It's nothing personal, I just love having my own stuff. 

Yet sometimes when people hear that I have my own in home gym, they think I have this whole entire fitness studio going on with treads, squat racks, etc. I'm telling you, that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is, I have very minimal equipment. One, because I hate the clutter. Two, because I'm able to get in my super effective workouts with just a few pieces of equipment. 

Here is a quick list I put together of my top 5 favorite pieces of at home workout equipment: 

#1 DUMBBELLS: This is my number one because it's literally all you'd ever need for an in home workout if you weren't to get anything else. Now, I actually recommend you get a lighter pair for your upper body (usually 5-15lbs), and a heavier pair for your lower body (15-30lbs). *This varies per person but it's a great place to start. 

#2 BOOTY BANDS: Aka, mini resistance bands. This is my second fave due to just how versatile these little guys are that can add a serious burn to your workout. More importantly, these bands can be used for much for than just an added booty burn, they can be used for an entire body workout if you don't have dumbbells available. Check out this free mini band guide I've put together for you to try, Free Mini Band Workout Guide . 

#3 SLIDING DISCS: These little gliders spice up that core work for sure. So inexpensive too and perfect for hardwood floors. I especially like adding these to my in home barre workouts for even more of a challenge for my lower body. *Barre workouts available on my Fierce & Fit app platform 

#4 MINI BARBELLS: No, not those huge olympic lifting barbells. Personally, I think they take up too much room in a home and they're just a bit too bulky. Mini loadable barbells are similar to those "body pump" bars with a shorter length bar and interchangeable weight plates. These are popping up everywhere online and are the perfect addition to your strength training regimen. I love the feeling of lifting with my barbell, I feel like a total badass!

#5 TRX SUSPENSION TRAINER: I know suspension trainers can look super confusing and daunting but once you get the hang of it, these babies are perfect for a full body workout even on-the-go. All you do is hang it over your door and you're set. This has been a wonderful piece of equipment to really help with my core stability and balance. *TRX workouts available on my Fierce & Fit app platform.

If you're looking to start building out your own "in home gym" I recommend starting with a couple of these recommendations as well as setting aside your very own little escape in your home to have your gym set up. While it's not feasible for everyone to have a separate "gym" room, why not find a spot that when you come to it, you know it's time for YOUR workout as well as the well deserved time for YOURSELF!

And remember, I have an entire virtual studio (my Fierce & Fit app) in which I've built out exercises and classes for all of these pieces of equipment and more. Wether it be for one-on-one custom training or using my on demand class platform, all of these workouts can be done right in the comfort of your own home on your time. 




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