How Healthy is your Quarantine Routine?

Instead of the self depreciating new theme of not wanting to gain the “Quarantine 15”, how about we simply reflect on what we are currently doing during this stressful time and perhaps make small changes throughout, to benefit both our mind and body?

As we’ve been quite literally shoved into a new way of life, our routines have shifted, and for some, our healthy routines have been tossed out the window. Yet, with more time for ourselves than ever, how can we change these perspectives of uncertainty into something more beneficial to our optimal wellbeing?

I understand there are many underlying stressors, the major one including job uncertainty. As these stressors accumulate how are you coping with these feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression? Have you turned to more stress eating, more sleeping, and/or more alcohol consumption to suppress these feelings of instability?

Time to fight back and take control over the parts of our lives that we can manipulate in an effort to ensure better moods, happiness, health, and optimism for what lies ahead. What are these parts of our lives, you may be asking? They come down to our daily routine and what we’re doing throughout the day. Instead of hitting the couch from the bed first thing in the morning, take time to reflect and  create your own routine that puts your mental and physical health first.

Here are a few habits and tips to reflect on, as well as to put into your own actionable daily health plan in Quarantine:


  • Get outside! The natural vitamin D coming from the sunlight as well as fresh air is only going to boost your mood by boosting the levels of serotonin in your brain. By taking this long stroll or simply grabbing the kids to play hopscotch outside, you are giving yourself the gift of living in the present moment and getting some well deserved time in nature.


  • Create a sleep routine with a concrete 7 hours, at least: I know this maybe a tough one as we have might not have anywhere to be the next day, but keeping this schedule will only help your natural circadian rhythm to align with your natural wake and sleep cycle. Fight the urge to binge watch a show into all hours of the night and give your body the quality sleep it deserves for proper function of the brain. With better sleep comes less stress and anxiety. Some pro tips here are to give yourself at least 30 minutes to wind down by turning off the T.V. and mobile devices before hopping into bed. If you need to set an alarm to wake up, then be all means, go for it.


  • Start an At Home Workout Routine: If it’s too cold to go for a long walk, jog, or run outside then cue up an at home workout available on the internet. There are so many ways you can get your workouts in from home even if equipment is not available. These workouts will help you exert energy while boosting your mood for optimal body composition and energy vitality. Pro tip: try my 7 day free online training so you can start putting your healthy routine first.


  • Use an accountability partner: Listen, we’re all missing our gym and/or walking buddies around this time. But what have you and your buddy being doing to make sure you’re continuing to staying accountable with your routines? She needs you and you need her, just like before. Having someone to check in with while knowing they are going through the same stages of life as you is key in creating sustainable habits. Pro tip: if you need an accountability partner and don’t know where to turn, let me do the matchmaking for you as I am now offering partner online training. More cost effective with added accountability!


  • Nourish your body mindfully. It’s so easy to walk by the fridge and grab a snack throughout the day but ask yourself,  "Am I really hungry?". Or are you simply bored and find that snacking helps with the boredom? Unfortunately these extra calories are not being used as fuel for the body so they are being stored as fat. Why not make a schedule for eating and snacking?  Pro tip: Try using a journal or planner so you can write down what foods you will eat throughout the week and when.


To encompass all of these parts of your quarantine routine I recommend you use a planner or some kind of schedule to follow to ensure you are putting your optimal health first. We will all get through this, but it’s your responsibility to get through this with your health intact.

Ready for more one-on-one guidance and accountability with workouts, nutrition, and overall wellbeing?  APPLY HERE and let's take the next step to optimal health and wellbeing TOGETHER!


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