Introducing my NO Diet Meal Plan

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2019

Yes, you heard that right.


How in the world can you make a no diet meal plan? Simple, stop restricting yourself to the point of insanity. Let’s stop counting, weighing, and tracking.


To begin, let’s start with a few questions. Think back to your last diet. Are you still doing it now? How long did you do it for? How did you feel in terms of fullness, mental sanity, and physical state? When I ask these same questions to clients who want to join my program I usually get A LOT of the same answers, here are a few:

-“Yeah I did that diet for about 2 weeks before I gave up because it was just too hard to keep up with the counting then I gained all the weight back PLUS more”. 

- “Well it worked while I did it, but the headaches were crazy! It’s like I was missing something”.

“I actually gained weight because I had to reach a certain amount of points each day”.


Well sheesh my friends, no wonder it’s so hard...

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